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Anabolic nutrient timing

Posted by Max Sizemore

You are what you eat! That means your body will contain junks if you eat junks. Before discussing what anabolic nutrient timing is, it is necessary to know what nutrient is all about.

Nutrient is any substance that when digested,dissolved and utilized by the body promotes the normal functioning of the body. These substances are carbohydrates, protein, fats,vitamins, mineral salts and water.

Anabolic nutrient timing involves eating food at a specific time in order to attain your goals. It is necessary in bodybuilding to increase muscle size and muscle strength. Time you eat, what you eat before workout, during workout, and after workout can affect the rate of muscle growth. Proper training without adequate nutrition can stunt muscle growth.

Pre-workout - it has been proven that working out on an empty stomach can reduce the glucose level. This may lead to catabolism - body may convert muscle tissues to energy. It also increases risk of injury. Carbohydrates give energy to the body. Since the body can't make use of it directly, the body converts it into glycogen which is stored in the liver and muscle, glycogen is converted into glucose which serves as fuel when training. It is essential to consume foods that are high in carbohydrate and low in fat two hours before training in order to increase the body glucose. Low blood sugar may cause fatigue and dizziness. Also ensure to stay hydrated during training to replenish lost electrolytes. Taking carbs drinks and sport drinks duringtraining will also help reduce the stress hormone - cortisol. Taking carbs drinks during workout can also spike the blood sugar, which enables you to perform more sets and reps. Post-workout- this is known as the anabolic stage. During workout, microscopic tears occur in the muscles and that is why we have protein for post workout recovery. Proteins repair and grow muscle tissues, prevents muscle soreness. Studies have shown that eating proteins within 30 minutes after exercising can increase protei synthesis. It is also necessary to take low carbohydrate immediately after workout to restore lost glycogen in the muscle.

Advantages Of Anabolic nutrient timing:

1. It helps to conserve your hard earned muscle.

2. It increases muscle growth.

3. It enables you to eat the right nutrients at the right time.

4. It helps the body to maintain an anabolic state.

5. It enables you to eat the right food at the right time.

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