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Protein Bar Recipe

Anabolic protein bars are great muscle building snacks for after a workout, between meals or before bed. The only problem is that store bought protein bars can be expensive costing up to three to four dollars each, if you're eating two or three a day that adds up.

If you want to save some money the solution is to make your own protein bars.

How To Make Your Own Protein Bars For Bodybuilding

Here are some important facts to remember:

If you want to gain mass you will need to take in more protein and calories.

A low fat diet will hold back mass gains.

Healthy fats help your body produce more testosterone.

If you want to stay lean cut back on sugars and refined carbohydrates, but not healthy fats.

Anabolic Protein Bars Recipe

This recipe is easy to make and it will give you a six-day supply of anabolic protein bars, if you eat 2 a day. And they will only cost about one dollar each.

Half a cup of butter
One cup of concentrated apple juice
One teaspoon of vanilla extract
Three whole eggs
Two cups of whole wheat flour
One cup of raw wheat germ
Half a teaspoon of baking powder
One cup of raw sunflower seeds
One cup of raw pecans
One cup of raw raisins
One cup of raw chopped dates

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees
Blend the eggs, apple juice and butter
And together vanilla flour, wheat germ, and baking powder then add them to the first mixture
Add the rest of the ingredients; mix them well then press into a greased baking pan
Bake for approximately thirty minutes or until the top is golden brown

Each anabolic protein bar supplies:
Protein 12 grams
Carbohydrates 51 grams
Fat 30 grams
Total calories 522

For more anabolic bodybuilding recipes checkout the Bodybuilding Cookbook.

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