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Are anabolic steroids illegal?

Posted by Max Sizemore

Back in the days when steroids used to be legal. Many bodybuilders athletes had access to steroids. Steroids were sold like candies in gyms and pharmacies. Bodybuilders and athletes in those days used steroids to increase muscle size, strength and to burn fat.

People also used steroids to increase their confidence and also to enhance performance. Although anabolic steroids - a syntheti ic form of testosterone- the male hormone responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics like facial hair, deepening of the voice, increase in muscle mass e.t.c was purposely developed to treat people with low testosterone and chronic diseases like cancer, HIV, muscle wasting and erectile dysfunction. Steroid work by imitating the testosterone.

Due to the bad reputation and health effects of steroids -increase in crime rates, testicular atrophy, cancer, kidney failure, liver failure, enlargement of internal organs and even death , countries like the United States and some sporting bodies were forced to ban steroids. Athletes also used steroids to gain advantage during competition.

However, steroids are not generally illegal they are often prescribed medically to patients who have severe conditions like HIV, hypogonadism, muscle wasting and low testosterone.

The legality of steroids varies from country to country. They are legal in some countries and illegal in some countries were strict laws are placed on steroids. The United States, currently placed steroids as scheduled 3 controlled substance act, which means that the use , possession, and purchase of anabolic steroids without prescription from a medical doctor is illegal. Posession of steroids without prescription is punishable by one year in prison while distribution of steroids may lead to five years imprisonment. In Canada, it is illegal to purchase or sell them but it is legal to possess them without prescription. Selling and buying of anabolic steroids in Canada may lead to 18 months imprisonment.

However, anabolic steroids are not allowed in competitions and sporting activities like football , cricket, baseball etc.

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