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Bicep Exercises Without Weights - 4 Of The Best

I like to do bicep exercises without weights! Building big biceps is often associated with hitting the gym and cranking out a few sets of bicep curls. Sure, that is most probably the quickest way to build big bulky biceps.

But I also like to do bodyweight exercises for biceps at home!

So here is a selection of bodyweight exercises for biceps that will help you build bigger biceps without weights in no time at all…from the comfort of your own home.

4 Bicep Exercises Without Weights

Chin-ups for biceps. This requires the use of a pull-up bar or some sort of bar that will support your body weight. Installing a pull-up bar in your home is relatively inexpensive and you just need to place the bar between a sturdy door frame and screw it in place…

Grip the bar with your palms facing towards yourself, and then slowly pull yourself up until your chin touches your fingers. Exhale as you pull yourself up and inhale on the way down. At first chin-ups can be very hard and you may struggle to do just a few. Start off trying to reach 6 reps, and slowly build up the reps over time.

Here is a chin ups video for how to do chin ups the proper way!

Pull-ups for biceps. These bodyweight bicep exercises are like chin-ups but the main difference is in the pull up bar grip. With chin-ups your palms are facing towards you, with bicep pull-ups your palms face away from you. Also, with pull-ups you adopt a much wider grip (thus the term wide grip pull ups) that is shoulder width apart. In addition to working the biceps, pull-ups give the back muscles a great workout as well. Slowly pull yourself up as your exhale, and then inhale as you lower yourself (at an even slower pace). Mix-up this back and bicep bodyweight exercise by experimenting with different grips. Close grip, wide grip, medium grip and reverse grip pull-ups all focus on slightly different muscle areas. Also change up the tempo every now and then to shock your body into action.

Here is a video with a guy demonstrating how to do pull ups properly, with varying grips. The narrower grip pull ups work the biceps more, where as the wider grip pull ups work the back more…

Push-ups for biceps. The old classic bodyweight exercise that everyone thinks about when they refer to chest and bicep bodyweight workouts. Push-ups work many muscle groups at the same time including the chest, triceps, back, abs, biceps and shoulders. It is a great all round exercise and simaltaneously works multiple muscle for a great all body workout. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise and concentrate on slowly going through the movement, working all those muscle groups. For best results do this exercise slowly and steadily increase the repetitions that you do on a weekly basis. A great way to spice up a push-up is to put push ups weights on your back. Find a back-pack and fill it up with books to add resistance to the push ups exercise to help stimulate exrea muscle growth.

Many people ask “can push ups build biceps?”, “do push ups build muscle?”…My answer is yes! You just need to slow down the push ups so that you are making it as hard as possible. Although push ups build chest muscle mainly, they are also a great biceps bodyweight exercise.

Bicep curl without weights. A bicep curl typically involved using dumbbells and barbells at the gym, but it can also be done without using weight lifting equipment. You just need to get creative and find your own replacements for the resistance. Popular make-shift weights include sandbags, empty milk-jugs full of water or sand, and also backpacks full of books. You do not need to go to the gym to build big biceps, you just need to find any form of heavy weight that you can use to stimulate muscle growth. You can build biceps without weights.

Aim to do slow and steady reps of this exercise. For maximum muscle growth aim to reach failure after around 6-8 reps. As your biceps get stronger, keep increasing the resistance to make sure you keep reaching faillure within the 6 to 8 rep mark.

Bodyweight exercises for biceps

So there you have 4 of the best bodyweight exercises for biceps that can help you build muscle without weights. They key is now to go away and put these to action.

Remember, not having access to the gym is no excuse for not building bigger biceps! You can do bicep exercises at home!

And just to bare in mind, I am not saying bicep exercises without weights are better than building bigger biceps by lifting weights….it is just an alternative approach. One that suits my lifestyle better.

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