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Steroid Bodybuilding Articles

The Effect Of Steroids On Body Building
It's a proven fact. Steroids help build muscle. If you're looking for a quick and easy way to a beautifully built body, then synthetic hormones are the answer. Research has shown that steroids boost muscle growth, and they do it fast. But research has also shown that steroids can also be very harmful...

When Bodybuilding and Steroids Go Wrong
When bodybuilding and steroids go wrong, usually there is a display of the classic 'roid rage' with an increased aggression and even violent...

Legal Steroids - Another Alternative - Natural Body Building
The advantage of natural body building is a slower but steadier increase in muscle mass rather than the peaks and lows of those on steroids...

Steroids - Distorting the Worlds of Muscle and Fitness
A competitive, steroid-built bodybuilder who works out at my gym sidelines as a personal fitness trainer. I witnessed him simultaneously train two people on...

The Risks of Body Building Steroids
Some of the negative effects of body building steroids include tears in your muscles, as well as enlarged prostate, insomnia, acne, and even an enlarged heart...

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