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Advanced Bodybuilding Articles

Advanced Bodybuilding Workout Routine For Monster Mass!
As bodybuilders solidify their adherence to the rules of bodybuilding, something starts to happen. They begin to succeed. They grow like they've never grown. Their strength reaches new level, and their bodies reach new sizes. Consistency delivers results. And as results begin to accumulate the body is suddenly able to handle new workloads, and must, in order to continue to grow....

Advanced Bodybuilding Strategies For Men Over 40
I'll never be in the ranks of the top bodybuilders but I love talking to them and finding out what they do differently from the rest of us. Now that I'm in my fifties I get a lot of inspiration from the guys who still workout for three to four hours a day in the gym and are ripped as well as buffed in their fifties and sixties. ..

Advanced Body Building Techniques - Isolate the Target Muscle
In my articles, I enjoy offering free body- building tips. This time, we are going to discuss how best to isolate certain muscles and why that would be of benefit to you...

Advanced Body Building Techniques - Slower Reps Mean Improved Muscle Gain
There are a number of reasons why slow training is preferable to fast training for building muscular size and strength. Let us examine some of them. Slow repetitions produce a longer period of continuous muscular tension...

Advanced Body Building Techniques - Train to Momentary Muscle Failure
Momentary muscle failure is the inability to continue an exercise in good form. It is when you are exerting maximum effort against a resistance, which at that point in the exercise is not moving. Despite your effort, you can no longer move the weight up. An isometric or static contraction is occurring...

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