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Bodybuilding terms and definitions

Posted by Shawn

When we take a look at bodybuilding terms and the long list of definitions some of them seem obvious for those of us who have been training with weights for a few years. The generally accepted terms like aerobic and anaerobic or what a dumbbell or a barbell is seems to have become general knowledge now and not just for the local gym rat.

When compiling a brief list of the bodybuilding terms and definitions we have decided to note only those terms and definitions of words that might be misunderstood or confusing to some of us. We have deliberately excluded the obvious ones like burn or treadmill etc.

Below is a brief list of good to know definitions when one is training with weights on a regular basis:

AMDR is the correct definition of RDA (recommended daily allowance) as it is the abbreviation for Adult Minimum Daily Requirement which applies to specific nutrients or vitamin and minerals required by the average adult. This is the official definition stipulated by the FDA (USA Food and Drug Administration).

BMR is your basal metabolic rate which is the approximate speed that your body digests food and heals itself in order to survive. It is the total amount of calories burnt when resting or sleeping and not when any activity is done.

VO2 Max VO2 max known as the maximal oxygen consumption or as often described by sports scientists as maximal oxygen uptake or even the peak oxygen uptake. It is the term used in sports science to describe the maximal aerobic capacity of an individual which can be measured and quantified.

Cardiorespiratory Fitness which refers is the condition of the heart and the physical fitness of the various circulatory systems in the heart and lungs.

Cheating is a method used by many bodybuilders to push the muscle to work past failure. It is done by adding momentum with a brief swing to go past the point of failure and the muscle is not able to contract anymore. It could also be just bad form when training.

Clean describes the movement done in weightlifting where the barbell or two dumbbells are raised directly from the floor and then to your shoulders all done in one single smooth motion in order to prepare for the overhead lift or jerk. This movement uses coordinated strength of legs, back, shoulders as well as arms.

Cut up or just plain cut or ripped is a common term used to describe how a bodybuilder has a very high degree of muscular definition caused by low body fat.

PHA describes the acronym for "peripheral heart action", which is a system used when circuit training where only short 4-6 exercise are done in the circuit done specifically to stimulate the cardio respiratory condition and any additional further physical/muscular development.

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