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Exercise sequence for bodybuilding

Posted by George

Just picking , lifting and dropping weights won't get you the muscle mass you are longing for, exercise sequence is very essential in bodybuilding . It refers to the way exercises are carefully arranged in order of their relative importance. Many bodybuilders, especially newbies don't know how to arrange their exercises in proper order(some don't know the exercise they ought to perform first during workouts). Exercise sequence saves energy since you can't perform the exercises with the same intensity.

During workout, bigger muscle groups should be worked first before smaller muscle groups and also compound exercises should come before isolation exercises. Bigger muscle groups like Chest, back and legs should come before smaller muscle groups like shoulder, triceps, biceps , calves, and abs. Bigger muscle groups require more vim and they should be satisfied when your energy level is full (when you are still fresh).

Here is an example:

Day1 : Chest, Back and Abs

Day 2 : Shoulder and Arms

Day 3 : Legs and Calves

A 3 day split should be arranged like this ( yes, I know you want to train those arms first but that's it).

Compound exercises like Barbell bench press, Squat, and Barbell curl should be done before isolation exercises like Dumbbell flyes, Concentration curl, skull crusher, seated calf raises and sit- ups. Compound exercises burn more calories since they involve more than one muscle group. They also warm-up the smaller muscle groups.

Here is an example:

Chest - flat bench press, dumbbell flyes and dumbbell pull over

Legs - squat, deadlift, lunges and standing or seated calves raises

Biceps - Heavy Barbell curl, hammer curl and concentration curl

Compound exercises should be done when you are still fresh. I can hear you saying : What if my upper chest is lagging? What if my biceps need more peak ? Yes... You are right, there is always an exception to every rule and one is pre-exhaustion technique where isolation exercises are performed before compound exercises. Exercise Sequence depends on your goal.

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