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Healthy alternatives to anabolic steroids

Posted by Steve

Steroids hormones are substances produced in minute quantity by ductless or endocrine gland for the proper functioning of the body. Our body is a steroid factory. Examples of steroids produced in our body are cholesterol, estrogen and testosterone e.t.c.

We have two types of steroids:

Natural steroids - are steroids produced in the body e.g Testosterone - a male hormone produced in the testicles which is responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics at puberty, such as increased muscle, growth of facial hair and deepening of the voice. Females also produce testosterone but in low quantity.

Artificial steroids - also known as anabolic Steroids are a synthetic form testosterone. They are produced in pharmaceutical companies and laboratory. They are used for treating people with low testosterone, hypogonadism, delayed puberty and chronic conditions like HIV and cancer. Many bodybuilders and athletes also use anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass, strength and performance.

Due to side effects like liver failure, premature heartattack and mood swings, many countries have banned steroids. These are some if the healthy alternatives to steroids, they contain natural steroids which can increase protein synthesis and muscle growth.

Ecdysterone - is a steroid hormone that controls ecdysis in insects. It is also produced in some plants and some aquatic animals. Study have shown that ecdysterone mimic the work of AAS by increasing protein synthesis which lead to muscle growth. Research has also shown that stacking ecdysterone with protein supplements can help to build lean muscle mass. See Ecdysterone Anabolic Supplement

Vitamin D - is a fat soluble vitamin that helps in the absorption of calcium, magnesium and zinc. Vitamin D is present in very few foods eggs, salmon and fortified milk. It is naturally produced by the skin when it is directly exposed to direct sunlight. Excessive sun exposure may damage the skin by causing sun burn and skin cancer. That is why we have Vitamin D supplements. Studies have shown that vitamin D can increase the testosterone in the body.

Milk - milk is one of the healthy alternative to steroid. Milk is rich in protein and it also contain vitamins which are essential for the production of testosterone in the body.

Egg - egg is one of the cheapest source if protein. A whole egg contains vitamins like Vit A, vit B12, vit D, calcium and zinc which can trigger the body to produce more testosterone.

Fish oil - fish oil contains omega - 3 fatty acid. Fish oil has shown to increase the production of testosterone in the body.

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