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A Brief History of Anabolic Steroids

Posted by Admin

Anabolic Steriods were first developed in the 1930's by the Germans in the second world war. Then in the 1950's many Russian and European athletes began to find that anabolic steriods were beneficial to their physical strength characteristics, helping them train harder, build their muscles and to run faster. In those days people used to take pure Testosterone, resulting in severe side-affects which soon became apparent after prolonged use.

Soon after that, other choices like Dianabol or Methandrostenolone were developed, and a decade later anabolic steriods were available on the market. They were used and prescribed by many doctors until 1991. On March 1st 1991, the Federal Anabolic Control Act was in effect. This put anabolic steriods on the schedule III of the Controlled Substance Act, making them an illegal substance without a prescription. Today, there are clinics that will prescribe testosterone and HGH (human growth hormone) to qualified patients.

The best choice is to use Legal Steriod Alternatives. On the Internet there are sites like Anabolic Store that will put you in touch with legal and reliable anabolic steriod alternatives.

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