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How to get maximum muscle pump

Posted by Shawn

Probably the single biggest reason why bodybuilding has exploded in popularity in the last 30 years is because of that feeling every bodybuilder looks for when training and that is the elusive "pump". If you are not achieving this pump when you train then you are missing something and your training needs to change.

The pump starts and finishes with the all-important mind-muscle connection that also results is greater hypertrophy. The pump starts when a body-part is deliberately isolated as the lactic acid build up from the movement is a direct result of the carbohydrate metabolism happening to enable this intensity without using extra oxygen.

This lactic acid build up is directly connected to the muscle hypertrophy you are getting causing the release of growth hormones vitally important to hypertrophy. The trick for achieving this pump lies in preventing the isolated muscle targeted from full recovery between sets.

This is achieved by doing giant sets, super-sets, tri-sets, drop sets, running the rack and similar training patterns. If you are not familiar with giant or tri set training, it means three or more movements done immediately after each other without pausing to rest, like a big superset.

The illusive pump is achieved by pre-exhausting a targeted muscle. This means that the super or giant set is done directly before doing compound movements so that the muscle is pre exhausted before you get to do the compound lift. It is important to note that when looking for a pump the movement should be super slow concentrating on the deliberate eccentric and concentric moves.

Below is an example of a chest workout specifically designed for the pump It is important to note the timing of your eccentric and concentric moves should be between 3 to 5 seconds. This dramatic increase in time under tension (TUT) followed by a compound movement will get you the most maximum muscle pump you ever had, resulting in muscle growth.

Flat Bench D/B Flies 12-15 reps
Flat B/B Bench-press 8-10 reps
Incline D/B Press 10-12 reps

Giant Set: Flat Bench D/B Press 8-10 reps
Decline D/B Press 8-10 reps
Pec-Deck 8-10 reps
Cable Flies 8-10 reps

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